Approver Comments
Count= 10
HIT360_Ch 12 Privacy and Security_lecture recording_201801.arf
Origer, Patty A10/27/2017 4:04 PMYes
Patient Portal webinar_June 2015_F-IAPORTALS061015.mp4
Origer, Patty A9/28/2017 8:48 AMYes
Creating Efficiency in MIPS world_Coffee_Talk_20170720.mp4
Origer, Patty A9/28/2017 9:15 AMYes
Origer, Patty A9/28/2017 9:17 AMYes
Telligen  Evaluation and improvementF-HITRECEVAL090910.wrf
Miles, Shon C.5/17/2017 3:37 PMYes
Telligen webinar ImplementationF-HITREC081210.wrf
Miles, Shon C.5/17/2017 3:37 PMYes
webinar on IHIN Pilot_Telligen_hit360_F-HITREC02132013.wmv
Origer, Patty A9/3/2013 3:19 PMYesIHIN Pilot Webinar
Patient engagement webinar_Team_based_care_webinar_2-12-14_audio.mp3
Origer, Patty A8/11/2014 1:42 PMYesPatient Engagement Webinar
Origer, Patty A11/18/2013 3:58 PMNoPrivacy and Security EHR webinar from Telligenc
webinar on IHIN PIlot _telligen_hit360_feb 2013_F-HITREC02132013.wmv
Origer, Patty A9/3/2014 2:09 PMYesWebinar on IHIN Pilot from Telligen